Do you know that Bosnia and Herzegovina is the best place for investment in real estate in this decade?
There is no European country like Bosnia and Herzegovina, regarding natural beauties, history, cost of living and business opportunities.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its strategic position, favorable climate, multicultural structure, inviolable natural beauties, connections with East and West, and with a multitude of underutilized resources, is a great opportunity for businessmen and investors.
Interesting location for tourism and investments
It is not unknown that Bosnia and Herzegovina is an interesting destination for tourism and investment of individuals and companies from the Middle East.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is an ideal meeting place for investors and business people from all over the world and is the perfect point to connect people from East and West, as it offers a well-disciplined workforce and a stable currency. Tourism is one of the fastest growing branches in Sarajevo (capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Bosnia and Herzegovina is on the official path to join the European Union and therefore implements European standards.

Family friendly place
Another big fact about Bosnia and Herzegovina is that this is a country for families. As a parent you want to afford your children an adventurous journey in touch with nature. You want your children to spend time in the mountain air. You might wanna try fishing and exploring beautiful rivers and lakes or show them a long and interesting history of a country that has been part of several empires and has rich historical monuments

Bosnia is a future member of European Union
Aspirations of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to be united, peaceful, prosperous and a future Member State of the European Union.
Bosnia and Herzegovina – along with other Western Balkans countries – was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council summit in June 2003.
Since then, a number of agreements between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina have entered into force – visa facilitation and readmission agreements (2008), Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade-related issues (2008). The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) has been ratified and entered into force on 1 June 2015.
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for EU membership was submitted on 15 February 2016.
Unusal beauty of nature
Can foreigners own real estate in Bosnia?
The answer is simply: Yes, of course.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has reciprocity in the purchase of real estate with more than 70 countries around the world. And if your home country still doesn’t have this reciprocity agreement with Bosnia then you can own real estate there through a company with limited liability.
This company can be established with a small capital that does not exceed 1000 euros, and you can also buy the property through a company registered in Bosnia and works specifically to serve foreign investors.
In both cases Park Group Dubai can offer you our consultancy and logistic services from very beginning until you gain legal ownership of your real estate.
Foreign investors have the same owner’s rights on real estates as Bosnia and Herzegovina nationals.
Municipal taxes and procedures
Regarding real estate taxes in Bosnia or as they call it in Bosnia “municipal fees” which is 5% to be paid when the purchase price of the property depends in Bosnia on the site, services and roads, but in general prices are considered low prices compared to other countries and other European, also compared with the quality of living in Bosnia.
All those who wish buying real estate in Bosnia, whether it is land, farms or villas, and houses, must ensure that trustworthy people are authorized in the purchase process before taking any step.
If you want to build, you must authorize a real estate developer or real estate development companies accredited in Bosnia, in order to carry out the procedures and issue the required licenses and approvals.
Advice, if you dream of owning a farm or you intend to own a house in Europe or buy for the purpose of trading or for a long-term investment, the time is very suitable now to buy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the prices are increasing.
Park Group Dubai projects and consultancy
A buying process can be a very time consuming. We advice you to use our company consultancy services. Also we can offer you to be part of our ongoing development projects in Bosnia.
Below is a map of our ongoing projects around Sarajevo where you can see property locations and their distance from important and interesting places in Sarajevo like: Airport, City center Sebilj, mall Sarajevo City Center and Ilidza (Vrelo Bosne/Spring of river Bosna)